Bungalow with sea views at sunsetBungalow with sea views at sunset

While the new year provides motivation and encourages resolutions, the euphoria, hope, and inspiration felt at the start of the year often get cast aside as the year progresses. Yet, to have blog success, you need endless motivation and clear goals. 

So, to inspire and motivate you, we have compiled a list of the most valuable blog tips to help you grow and have blog success in 2024. It would help you if you had these blog tips on your list of blogging goals this year. Your website will benefit from these tips whether you are a new blogger or have blogged for years.

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Blogger’s Tips for Blog Success in 2024

Write, Write, Write

The best way to achieve blog success is by making time to write. No matter if you feel tired or don’t have the energy, you need to write. 

If you don’t have inspiration, you still need to write. Even if you don’t know what to write about because you are a travel blogger no longer travelling, you need to find something to write about.

Other times, bloggers have become unmotivated after not seeing any traffic or the blog success they imagined. Nevertheless, if you want to keep your blog alive and want blog success in 2024, you need to write. 

If you feel unmotivated, do some motivation courses and blogger courses to help you with direction. Consider another niche. Get inspiration by reading other bloggers. 

Additionally, consider a morning writing routine. Every morning, before you do anything else, write for 20 minutes. The goal is to write about anything. You will gain more inspiration and creativity if you push yourself to write each day.

If it is your passion to have a blog, don’t let your dreams stay dreams. Get writing, keep posting and achieve blog success in 2024.

person writingperson writing

Create a Schedule

Create a schedule for everything. A schedule will help you keep track of your goals.

Start with a daily writing schedule and allocate time to write.

Use your schedule to list your posting dates. Schedule your social media posts too. Additionally, add website maintenance to your schedule and time for learning and courses. 

Also, include redoing old content in your schedule. Many bloggers take this for granted. Yet, redoing old content is a way of improving site traffic. Along with writing and posting regularly, redoing old content can help you achieve blog success.

Post Content Regularly

Posting content regularly is an important goal you should have. You can post weekly or monthly, but the main thing is consistency and establishing a routine. If you don’t do this, you may find weeks turn into months, and your blogging dreams don’t get realized.

Further, by posting regularly, you build authority, and gaining organic traffic becomes easier.

This post is part of our Travel Blogger Resources. Here, we share industry news, tips, and inspiration for travel bloggers, content creators, and anyone interested. If you want to grow as a blogger and have blog success, you will find lots of inspiration in this part of our website.

Increase Blog Traffic

Many new bloggers don’t realize that traffic will not come on its own. Most bloggers who have blogged for a while recognize one of the most critical goals for blog success is to increase blog traffic.  

There are various ways to increase your traffic. The main one is the point we covered above of posting regular content. Other ways include SEO (search engine optimization) and marketing.

Bloggers often neglect SEO. However, learning SEO will help you increase your traffic and rank in Google searches. This exposure will help you get organic traffic from website searches to your blog. 

Without SEO, you are limiting your blog’s exposure to the audience where you are promoting yourself.  

Try to learn as much as you can about SEO and how to increase your traffic. Learn from others, online articles, and courses. 

Google search on a mobile phoneGoogle search on a mobile phone

Social Media for Blog Success

Besides SEO, marketing on social media is another way to get traffic to your blog. Bloggers tend to market their new posts on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. 

One of the more successful platforms to market our blog has been Pinterest Marketing. In fact, two of our posts went viral on Pinterest first, and we believe the traffic they generated also helped them rank and trend in Google.

With a bit of extra effort, you can potentially increase your traffic to your website by creating pins for your posts and pinning on Pinterest. This referral traffic can result in page views on your blog.

NOTE – In 2022, we experienced a drop in Pinterest traffic, but in late 2023, it made a resurgence, highlighting the importance of continuous monitoring and focusing your efforts on platforms generating traffic.

Upskill Yourself

Creating a blog takes a lot of time and requires learning new skills you may not have.

There are so many things to learn on your blogging journey. Many writers who start think it’s about writing, publishing, and miraculously getting traffic. Besides finding your blogging voice, learning how to use WordPress, learning design, photo-editing, and marketing, the list goes on.

The simplest place to start is doing a Google search. Many YouTube videos walk you through things like developing your WordPress website. Additionally, many blogger’s courses walk you through the basics to teaching you about SEO.

If there is only one tip you gain from reading this post, it is to upskill yourself and never stop learning. This is the way to achieve blog success.

Site Design

Speaking of learning new skills, learning how to use WordPress will enable you to create a professional site.

Additionally, most bloggers start with a free theme. But free themes are often slower, not optimized for mobiles, and often have performance issues. This can affect your SEO.

Upgrading your theme to a paid theme can make your blog look more professional, and it can improve your website’s usability. However, there are many choices, so researching a new theme is often a time-consuming task. 

Many bloggers, ourselves included, commit their time and effort to content marketing and learning new skills. But you may miss out on sponsors due to putting site design on the back burner, which could impact your blog’s success.

owl sculptures on buildingowl sculptures on building

Organize & Optimize Photos

Taking hundreds of photos is easy. Organizing & optimizing photos is an ongoing job. Learning how best to organize and optimize your images is essential for blog success.

Start by deleting any blurred, dark, or unappealing photos. Then, edit the others as needed.

One of the lengthier tasks is to label your images correctly and add them to folders so you can find them easier. Name your photos for SEO purposes and resize them. Large file sizes slow down your website. 

Organizing your photos is time-consuming. However, it will help them and your posts rank in Google searches. And this is your ultimate goal!

Internal Links & Backlinks

Backlinks from other websites to your website are essential for SEO and help increase your blog’s domain authority (DA). A higher DA gives your website a greater likelihood of ranking on the first page of search engines. It means more traffic and more readers!  

One of the main ways to get backlinks is guest posting for other websites. The link juice provided from the backlink from the other website can increase your page authority. 

Additionally, by adding internal links throughout your website, you enhance the user experience. It gives your website a better site structure and encourages Google to rank your website higher.

Join a Tribe

The best new bloggers recognize the power of establishing a social media presence. 

Further, engaging in social media and joining a tribe is how bloggers can support each other. Your tribe can help you increase your marketing reach. 

Your tribe can help you be motivated, inspired, and appreciated and help you celebrate your achievements. 

Chatting with people who have the same interests as you is fun.

But more importantly, you can also learn from others in your industry and discuss things with those in the same situation as you. This is the key to blogging success.

We hope you found this list of tips useful and that you add them to your list of goals this year. These fundamental blogging goals are of the highest importance. We wish you tremendous blog success in 2024. 

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