Paleis Het Loo, or Het Loo Palace, is a historic palace located in Apeldoorn, about an hour’s drive east of Amsterdam. One of the grandest in The Netherlands, this Dutch royal palace was originally built in the 17th century as a hunting lodge for Prince Willem III of Orange and his wife, Princess Mary II of England. They commissioned the construction of the palace in 1684 and it was completed in 1686. The palace was closed in 2018 for major renovation and restoration work, and was only reopened in April 2023. I decided to visit Het Loo Palace about a month after the reopening and I was very impressed with the result! In addition to the palace and museum itself, there are other things to see at Het Loo Palace such as the ornamental gardens.

what to see at het loo palacewhat to see at het loo palacePaleis Het Loo

A brief history of Het Loo Palace

First, a bit of history about the palace. Designed by Jacob Roman and built in the 17th century, the palace is renowned for its symmetrical Baroque architecture, typical of French and Dutch architectural styles of the time. Willem and Mary used Het Loo Palace as their summer residence. The palace was expanded when Willem and Mary became King and Queen of England, Scotland and Ireland in 1689. Mary returned to England to reign as Queen Mary II and never saw the palace again.

After Willem III’s death in 1702, the palace remained in the possession of the Dutch royal family. It was occasionally used by subsequent generations of the House of Orange-Nassau. A notable occupant was Louis Napoleon, who had been appointed King of Holland by his brother Napoleon Bonaparte in 1806. 

what to do at het loo palacewhat to do at het loo palaceThe history of the Dutch royal family

In the late 19th century, extensive renovations were carried out under the supervision of King William III. The palace was expanded and modernized, incorporating elements of the Neo-Classical style. Het Loo Palace continued to be used as a royal residence until 1975, when Queen Juliana of the Netherlands donated it to the Dutch state. The palace and its gardens were subsequently transformed into a museum and opened to the public in 1984.

In 2013, the palace and museum closed to the public to undergo extensive renovations, and reopened in April 2023.

Het Loo Palace (map) is an easy day trip from Amsterdam. You can take the train to Apeldoorn and board a bus to the palace (journey time <2 hours), or you can drive (<1.5 hours). If you opt to drive, there’s ample parking and I recommend purchasing a parking ticket along with your entrance tickets to the palace. Check here for tickets.

het loo inganghet loo ingangMain entrance from the parking area


Palace stables

From the parking area and main entrance, it’s about a 15-minute walk to the palace itself. Along the way, you’ll pass the royal stables. The stables were built in 1907 for Queen Wilhemina and Prince Hendrik and now house a beautiful collection of cars and carriages used by the Dutch royal couple.

royal stables het looroyal stables het looThe royal stables things to see paleis het loothings to see paleis het looThe royal carriages

Palace forecourt

The walk continues along a tree-lined boulevard to the palace and museum. Once inside the palace gates, you’ll have a beautiful view of the resplendent palace fronted by reflecting pools.

how to go to paleis het loohow to go to paleis het looA boulevard leads to the palace het loo palace netherlandshet loo palace netherlandsPaleis Het Loo: forecourt het loo reflecting poolshet loo reflecting poolsThe reflecting pools

Inside the palace

The main entrance into the palace is to the right, where a staircase/elevator transports visitors to a lower floor. This new addition to the palace is truly impressive. Light streams through via the reflecting pools above, creating soothing moving water patterns on the marble floor and walls in the central hallway.

het loo palace architecturehet loo palace architectureThe stunning central hall

From this hallway, there are exhibition halls on both sides: one showcases the history and lifestyle of the Dutch royal family, and the other tells the fascinating story of the renovation work.

The exhibition detailing the history of the Dutch royal family. During the renovation works, the entire square in front of the palace was submerged. You can see the photos in the exhibition.

The palace interior

The hallway leads into the palace via a series of staircases. There are two wings (East & West) which can be explored separately. From the central foyer, visitors can explore the opulent interiors of the palace, admire the extensive art collection, enjoy panoramic views from the rooftop and wander through the meticulously landscaped gardens. There are elevators and wheelchair lifts.

The dining room The study One of the main hallways The reception room

One detail I absolutely loved is the carpeting. Designed to mirror the original flooring, be it wood or marble, the carpets protect the floors and provide directions for visitors.

Notice how the carpet mirrors the original marble floor and wooden steps, and provides walking directions.


View from the rooftop

It’s a bit of a climb (via a series of staircases) but if you can, I recommend visiting the rooftop. The views from there of the gardens and surrounding forests are absolutely beautiful.

gardens in the netherlandsgardens in the netherlandsThe gardens seen from the rooftop The view facing the forecourt of the palace

The gardens

Another thing to do at Het Loo Palace is a stroll around the stunning ornamental gardens. There are numerous fountains, statues and waterfalls to admire in addition to the different plants and flowers. At the end of the gardens is a shady café located at a colonnaded terrace.

dutch royal palacedutch royal palaceThe rear of the palace seen from the gardens palace gardenspalace gardensThe ornamental gardens palace fountainpalace fountainOne of the beautiful fountains garden designgarden designA series of ornamental cascades

Het Loo Palace doesn’t boast the scale and opulence of other famous palaces like Versailles but I’m excited about this latest tourist attraction in the Netherlands. The architects and designers did an incredible job with the revamp. Today, the palace stands as a prominent cultural attraction, combining historical significance, architectural grandeur, and beautiful gardens to offer visitors a glimpse into Dutch royal history. 

Consider a visit to the Kröller-Müller Museum

If you have a car, consider a visit to the Kröller-Müller Museum, about a 30-minute drive away. This beautiful museum in the forest has a stunning collection of paintings and sculptures, including the second-largest collection of Van Gogh artworks in the world!

kroller-muller-van-gogh-photokroller-muller-van-gogh-photoA room full of Van Gogh paintings.

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