Bratwurst / Saftschinken

You cannot really visit a Christmas market in Germany and not eat some type of warm sausage or shaved ham in a bread roll. So that’s exactly what we did. 100% satisfaction guaranteed. They are even better with some ‘sauerkraut‘ (fermented finely cut raw cabbage) and mustard on them. Trust me.


These typical German gingerbread cakes may contain a maximum of 10% flour and the spices cinnamon, vanilla, cloves, coriander, allspice, nutmeg, ginger and cardamom provide the typical gingerbread aroma. According to legend, Elisenlebkuchen are named after a baker’s daughter who regained strength of her illness after eating this treat with an oriental spice mix. It definitely made us feel great, so there’s that!


Have you even celebrated Christmas if you haven’t had eggnog? I don’t know, but we didn’t leave anything to chance this weekend. The German Eierpunsch is made from eggnog (14-20% alcohol, egg yolk and sugar) white wine and vanilla. There are also recipes that add orange juice and a topping of whipped cream, sometimes flavored with cinnamon is common.


Mulled wine in Germany comes in the traditional red, but also in white and rosé wine variety. And in recent years you will also find mulled apple cider, gin and even spirits like aperol on the menu of several Christmas market stalls. The German Glühwein is made with citrus fruits, cinnamon, cloves and star anise, often sweetened with sugar.

What I loved is that each stall served their glühwein in their own custom mug, noting the year and location of the market. You pay a deposit for the mug, so if you want you can take them home – they make for a unique souvenir!

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